Forthcoming Articles

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  • “I Need to Belong”: Examining a Negative Halo Effect for Expressions of the Need to Belong
    Kevin McIntyre, Matthew Peebles, Brent Mattingly
  • Cross-cultural invariance of the Short Dark Triad and Dirty Dozen scales across four countries
    Cristian Ramos-Vera, Dennis Calle, Angel García O'Diana, José Vallejos-Saldarriaga, Yul Carrasco Ramírez, Giancarlos Chapoñan Cubas
  • Love, sex, respect, and physical attractiveness in marital satisfaction and remarriage: a comparison between monogamous and polygynous marriages
    Waqar Husain, Ammara Faheem, Aden Zaheer
  • Loneliness and Stigmatization Inversely Predict Compassion for Suffering Social Groups
    Colter D. Ray, Ocean Ningyang Wang, Lindsay A. Duede, Ben Garza, Julien Burns
  • From Strangers to Spouses: Exploring the Dyadic Effects of Attachment Insecurities in Indian Arranged Marriages
    Ram Manohar Singh, Ritesh Mehta Kumar
  • The Relation between Interpersonal Relationship Satisfaction and Spiritual Wellbeing in Adults.
    Hajira Batool