Comparando autoavaliação e avaliação de professores sobre as habilidades sociais de crianças com deficiência mental


  • Lucas Cordeiro Freitas
  • Zilda Aparecida Pereira Del Prette


This study investigated the convergent validity of the Social Skills Rating System (SSRS-BR) in a sample of Brazilian children with mental disabilities. Correlations were tested between the commons global scale and subscales from the forms of selfevaluation and evaluation by teachers. Participants 84 were children with mental disabilities from a special school and their teachers, who responded the SSRS-BR. The results showed no significant correlation between the two types of evaluators in the
social skills global scale and the common subscales. In addition, the students showed a systematic tendency to evaluate themselves more negatively compared with their teachers. The study pointed a possible limitation in the use of self-evalution
questionnaire as single assessment procedure for children with disabilities. The research also suggests additional caution in the use and comparison of results from different evaluators.